Best Small Cute Puppies – These days, the Drummond family favors medium and large breeds, but Ree’s small breeds will always hold a special place in their hearts. That’s because her first dog was an adorable Jack Russell terrier named Susie. Adventurous and affectionate, the Jack Russell makes a great family dog and is just one of the many playful small dog breeds that are great to have as a pet. Whether you’re looking for a calm, affectionate dog or an energetic breed to keep up with your active lifestyle, you’re sure to find a small dog breed on this list.
Just like people, every dog has its own unique and special characteristics. Choose a natural comedian with great personality, such as a Yorkshire terrier, or a dignified and determined pup with a humane personality, such as a Scottish terrier. There are also quite a few hypoallergenic dog breeds, such as Bolognese and Maltese, which are great options whether you’re sensitive or not. This list also includes some of the most loyal dogs, such as the cocker spaniel or dachshund, as well as dogs that are great with children.
Best Small Cute Puppies
Although all of these dogs are small, there are plenty to choose from, whether you want a five-pound puppy or a 20-pound hound. And once you find the perfect puppy, choose the right and unique dog name (or funny dog food names) and then be sure to treat him to the best dog toys, the best dog bed, and lots of treats!
Miniature Dog Breeds That Have A Big Appetite For Cuddles
Since the Bulls were first bred to be the ultimate house pet, this companion dog is sweet, affectionate, loyal and eager to please. They also tend to be intelligent and sociable, learn quickly and get along well with other animals and children. Bonus: This breed is hypoallergenic!
Yorkipoo is a popular hybrid dog that is the result of crossing a Yorkshire terrier and a toy poodle. They are friendly, lively and intelligent puppies that make excellent first pets, especially as they get along well with children and other pets. Because they have traits of both breeds, they are quite energetic, but love their time with their owner.
Originally bred as dogs in ancient China, Pekingese are graceful and very loyal dogs. Just look at this bitterness! And their moderate to low energy levels make them great apartment dogs as long as they can get short walks and occasional playtime.
Fun fact: the Basenji is known as the “dogless dog” of Africa. Instead of the usual barking, they express their feelings with a high-pitched yodel-like sound. They need a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day and plenty of mental stimulation. For this reason, they are best suited to experienced pet owners who can offer patience and consistent training. But you will be rewarded with great loyalty!
These 25 Cute Dog Breeds Are Guaranteed To Make You Smile
The Pumi is a herding dog from Hungary that is actually quite rare in the United States. Easily recognized by their corkscrew curls, these dogs are loved for their intelligence and agility. They were bred as compact shepherds, so they have endless energy for work and play. They are also very kind and charming.
These little guys are some of the smallest working terriers out there. Yes, they were bred to hunt rats and foxes. That way, they’ll be ready to run around the yard and play fetch all day. But they’re also gentle enough to enjoy lap time. They get along with everyone from children to other dogs and are also very intelligent.
Known as the “little captain” of Belgium, boatmen may be small, but they are built for hard work. This means they can be quite independent and need lots of opportunities for physical activity. But it will never be boring! Dark fur and leafy face only add to their uniqueness.
Looking for a friend for life? With its short set face and expressive eyes, the Brussels Griffon thrives on love and forms a strong bond with its owner. They are also very intelligent and love mental stimulation, although they can be stubborn at times.
The 15 Smartest Small Dog Breeds
Although the whippet is actually related to greyhounds, they are much smaller. They share many similar traits, such as intelligence and speed, and can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour! In addition to their athleticism, they also have an affectionate nature and are known to bark very little.
Described as “tough as nails” at work, the Border Terrier is gentle and affectionate at home. Although they are bred as country dogs, they adapt well to city life if given a lot of time.
One of the smallest dogs in the canine kingdom definitely made our list. Chihuahuas are known for their adorable and sassy personalities, and because they’re so small, they make great handbags!
These infamous dogs are the offspring of royalty: Pugs were once the chosen companions of Chinese emperors! They are also great house dogs for apartments or homes with limited outdoor space.
Best Small Dog Breeds To Take Home To Your Family
There are two different breeds of these dogs to choose from: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi (pictured) and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, both of which were bred as cattle herding dogs. The biggest difference is their tails: Cordis have tails and Pembroke Corgis don’t. However, both breeds are intelligent, affectionate and athletic despite their short stature. They are also among the top ten most popular dog breeds.
You probably know the Yorkie for the adorable floor-to-ceiling coat they flaunt at dog shows, but the breed was actually once used for less demanding work as rat chasers in mines and mills. Today, they are one of the most popular dog breeds in America, and their owners love them for their feisty nature.
French Bulldogs are also one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, especially among urban dwellers. They are loved for their adorable bat-like ears and affectionate nature. The French are also known not to bark much, so they are perfect for apartments and other communal situations!
Commonly known as grape dogs because of their elongated bodies, these intelligent guard dogs were bred over 600 years ago in Germany as badger hunters. They are loved for their large character and characteristic appearance. They also come in different hair lengths!
Best Small Dog Breeds (with Photos)
Scots are known for their dignity, humanity and determination. (They’re nicknamed “mortals” for a reason!) They have a strong hunting instinct and can’t play with other dogs or cats, but they are loyal human companions.
These adorable American dogs are known for their dashing tuxedo pattern, earning them the nickname “American Gentleman.” As their name suggests, the Boston Terrier is a very friendly breed that is perfect for city dwellers.
Beloved poms are distinguished by their fluffy double coat, which comes in almost two dozen colors, but is most often found in orange or red. Pumps are very intelligent and playful, easily learn tricks.
These puppies are covered from head to toe in white, silky fur, which is often clipped for the comfort of the pet (like this beauty), but show dogs are grown long. Maltese are affectionate and loyal, making them a great choice for families.
Small Fluffy Dog Breeds
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125 Best Basset Hound Names for Your New Dog Alexa’s favorite pet dander vacuum is on sale. Check out the most beautiful dog breeds of all time. List of the most popular hound breeds
125 Best Feeder Dog Names for Hungry Babies. What to do if your dog is afraid of thunder. Who knew these Golden Retriever mixes existed? Do dogs need sunscreen? Here’s what the expert says. Sure, there can be a lot of bad stuff on the internet, but it’s also full of adorable pictures and videos of our favorite pets. I mean, can you name anything that cheers you up as quickly as a cute dog doing something adorable? Yeah, we can’t either. We think all dogs are cute, but if you’re looking for a particularly small dog breed, we’ve got the scoop on the 20 cutest small dog breeds.
Small dog breeds are popular for many reasons. They don’t take up much space, can be cheaper to care for (less food, medicine, etc.) and are easier to travel with than some larger breeds. Small breeds are so popular that the AKC’s most popular breeds in 2022 were French Bulldogs, Beagles, Dachshunds and Yorkies. We can’t say we’re surprised, because they’re obviously adorable. But if you want to know more about some of the cutest small dog breeds, check out the list below. First the Yorkshire Terrier.
Cute Puppy Dog Names From A To Z
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The Yorkshire Terrier, affectionately known as the Yorkie, is the cutest little one
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